This setting can be used to encode surround signals. Unlike stereo, this mode does not destroy phase information that may be used by other encoders. For quasi-mono signals, this will give a significant gain in encoding quality. The signal will be matrixed into a sum ('mid') and difference ('side') signal. In this mode, the encoder will make use of a correlation between both channels. give one channel more bits if the other contains silence.
It can, however, negotiate the bit demand between both channels, i.e. In this mode, the encoder makes no use of potentially existing correlations between the two input channels. See the description of each mode in the table below: Channel The suggested choice includes the following variants: Stereo, Joint Stereo, Forced Joint Stereo, Dual Channels and Mono.
MP3 Advanced window contains 4 tabs, which are:Īt the General tab you can select the necessary Channels.